We are a middle school class reading Mildred Taylor's Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry as part of the William and Mary Persuasion Unit. We would love to connect with another class reading this book so that we could share thoughts, writings, projects, etc. related to the book. This is our first attempt at a collaborative project, so we would love to hear other ideas about ways to share. We hope to connect soon since we have started reading this week. Thanks!

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  • Hello Joe J.,


    I’m new to the Globaled Conference so I just found your posting. As an educational consultant and author of young adult adventures, my overarching interest is to motive, excite, and introduce middle school students to the world at large.


    Currently there are several schools that are using my book, The Kid Who Beat Wall Street and Saved Africa, as a vehicle for classroom discussions. Some have asked me to put them in touch with others schools where their own students might have the opportunity to dialogue about big social issues affecting young people in developing countries: hunger, lack clean water and medicine, to the need for physical safety, just to name a few.


    I was wondering if this would interest you?


    My contact information is:


    Ginger Heller



    All the best,



    P.S. I will be presenting at Globaled 2015 on November 18th at 8 PM Eastern time.



  • Hi Joe!

    What kinds of collaboration were you thinking? A shared blog? Skype call? Wiki?

    I will be sharing your project with my 6th grade language arts teachers and I'm sure they'll be asking these kinds of questions.

    I'll be in touch and let you know of their interest level.

    ~Judith Epcke

    PS Thanks for passing this along, Lucy!
    • Hi Judith,
      To be real honest, this is the first time I have attempted this sort of thing. I was hoping that whomever responded would feel comfortable brainstorming some ideas for sharing student work.
      I know that I want them to be able to share their writing regarding the book, so perhaps a wiki would be good. (wikispaces is blocked by my district, but perhaps I can get that opened for this project). I was also thinking of using Glogster to create posters for some aspect of the book.
      We are reading this as part of the William and Mary unit on Persuasion, so students will be doing Vocabulary Webs, reflecting on the readings, and writing short constructed responses and paragraphs on questions about the book. I thought this type of thing would give them a wider audience and perhaps inspire them.
      If the vagueness of this collaboration doesn't sound like something you (or your teachers) want to pursue, I certainly understand.
      Again, I have never done a collaborative project, and was hoping to 'get my feet wet' and get the students excited at the same time.
      Since you
  • Co-Chair
    Hi Joe -

    My daughter's class is going to be reading this book soon, and I'll pass on your info in case they want to connect.

    Good luck,

    Lucy Gray
    • Thanks, Lucy!
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