Your Name and Title: Daria Pizzuto, teacher, phd student, consultant
School or Organization Name: Bernards Township Schools/Seton Hall University
Co-Presenter Name(s): n/a
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: From new Jersey, United States
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): all K12 teachers, administrators, school counselors, and social workers.
Short Session Description (one line): I have been teaching mindfulness for three years-this is my journey.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Mindfulness is emerging as a technique adopted in education to address student anxiety and stress, increase focus and creativity, and foster stable behavior and patience. This workshop will discuss my journey of implementing mindfulness with middle grade students, best practices, implications for teaching, as well as some ethical and legal implications of establishing a mindfulness routine in the classroom.
Key words: mindfulness, best practices, tips, contemplative education
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: and google classroom
Please also add language that ties to our mission:
Just an FYI.... revisions to proposals are due by November 1.
Please add the required conference tags as indicated in step 9 of the Call for Proposals: Use the OPTIONS button to edit your proposal and include one or more of these tags.