Your Name and Title: Julia Coburn, Executive Director and Co-Founder of WorldVuze

School or Organization Name: WorldVuze

Co-Presenter Name(s): Julia Coburn

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Canada

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Teachers

Short Session Description (one line):

Explore how your K-12 students can join a global community of their peers in discussions on important social issues from climate change, mental health, and bullying where their collective voices are making a real-world impact, using a safe online global K-12 discussion platform, WorldVuze.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

On WorldVuze, students are engaging together with a global community of their peers in regular discussions, asked by classrooms around the world, on a wide range of topics such as current events, environment, culture, and science. Classrooms can also jump into special “take action” discussions that are led by issue-experts, such as UNICEF and Kids Help Phone, where their collective voices are making a real-world impact.

In this session, find out how your class can be a part of this dynamic global community, how students have used their collective voices to create change in past projects, such as on bullying and mental health, and discover exciting new initiatives your class can take part in!

About WorldVuze:
WorldVuze is a free online platform where K-12 students can safely share perspectives their own perspectives, as well as explore and compare the multiple and diverse perspectives of other students, locally, nationally and around the world.

As a non-profit organization, our mission is to help build and empower a generation of critically thinking global citizens by connecting a diversity of K-12 students around the world together through technology to open their minds to new ways of thinking in order to better understand and collaborate on effective sustainable solutions to complex global issues in the future. 

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