Your Name and Title: Popi Makris

School or Organization Name: STEM Kids NC

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: USA

Language in Which You Will Present: English (if interested, can also present in French or Greek)

Target Audience(s): Teahers, Community Leaders, Corporate Citizens, Parents

Short Session Description (one line): Techniques to empower parents to support their children's STEM learning

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):,

Parents are a child's first teacher. Many parents are intimidated, or don't fully understand, available technologies. What started as a small experiment has received immense traction: create mommy/daddy & me coding classes. Pair and partner parents with children and have them learn and embrace technology together. This session focuses on how we can make accessible learning even more available and fun and how we can shift current thinking so that we can all embrace the technologies that are disrupting and changing our world.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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