Your Name and Title: Glenn Cake E-Teacher
School or Organization Name: CDLI (Centre for Distance Learning and innovation)
Co-Presenter Name(s): Colleen Wadman (E-Teacher colleague with CDLI)
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Newfoundland , Canada
Language in Which You Will Present: English with French examples
Target Audience(s): K-12 Teachers
Short Session Description (one line): MultiMedia Madness- MakingStorytelling meaningful
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
As sound and quality educators, we are constantly seeking to create meaningful and exciting methods to engage our students. Today's generation of digital students want to be challenged. The vast majority of our students rely heavily on the use of social connectivity for their day to day social interaction. For that reason among many more, it is crucial that teachers find meaningful and exciting methods to integrate technology in our instruction. Student interest, creativity and desire to complete the task will be enhanced.
The free program PhotoStory 3 for Windows allows for global interaction amongst classrooms from around the world. For example, our distance education students live in rural/remote communities throughout the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. In order to share general information about themselves, they are required to create informative films on their communities, lifestyles and interest. This is completed in the target second language and shared amongst students in the course. From a global perspective, there would be a host of opportunity for sharing to occur in any language amongst schools within a territory, province, state or country.
The second half will focus on how to embed the audio and/or video pieces into an interactive Adobe document in which students will complete the required task.
• Embed audio and video into the PDF
• Customize the AV player
• Form Wizard
• Insert fillable forms answers)
• Extend Features
• Save as feature…
• Correct and return to student !!!
In our experience, this has proven to be a very effective means to assign work for our distance education students. Teachers who are in a face to face environment or who avail of blogs, websites, wikis, etc to post classroom activities may also find these tools very rewarding and engaging.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: MultiMedia Madness
Thanks very much for your comments Lucy....please see the updated presentation. With the addition of the digital storytelling piece, I believe that there is a much closer bond with the idea of global awareness and competency....I also believe that a demo of what is possible with the interactive worksheets would be of great benefit to all.
Looking forward to your reply.