Your Name and Title: Tatyana Chernaya, Teacher, Teacher Trainer

School, Library, or Organization Name: State Secondary School «ICT in Education»

Co-Presenter Name(s): None

Country from Which You Will Present: Russia

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience: school teachers, teachers of students with disabilities

Short Session Description (one line): Connecting students with disabilities to their peers in their country and to people all over the world makes them people with unlimited abilities.

Full Session Description:

More than seven years ago I started teaching students with different disabilities English at a distance school in Moscow, Russia. I knew from my experience that communication was of vital importance in learning a foreign language. But students of the distance school all lived in different parts of Moscow and first had only online individual lessons. They were all primary students and did not know each other at all. Now my students are in 9-10 forms.

My presentation is called 'iClass with Unlimited Abilities». I am going to tell colleagues about the steps I have made to connect my students first to their peers in Moscow, then in Russia, then around the world through blogging and collaborative projects and about the tools I have used.

Collaboration with educators from other countries during the Student Blogging Challenge, on Facebook and in HLWSkypers group has helped me to turn my group of students who have different disabilities into an iclass with unlimited abilities.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Hi Anne,

    Thanks for your support. Being connected with teachers and classes around the world has changed my students' life and learning, so I think my experience can be interesting to my colleagues from different countries, especially those, who do not know what to start with.

    Good luck with your session! I hope to attend it too.


  • Hi Tatyana, I am reading through many of the submissions and it is great to see yours here. Thanks for sharing your wonderful and innovative work.

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