Title: No Excuses, YOU have the Power!


Name and Title:

Rob Darrow, Adjunct Professor, California State University, Fresno and Co-Founder, Blended Teacher Network

School or Organization Name:

California State University, Fresno / Blended Teacher Network

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: U.S.

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Strand: Leadership

Target Audience(s): Leaders and Teacher Leaders

Short Session Description (one line):

You have the power to change education by your actions.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Leadership exists within each person, regardless of his/her position. Various leadership lessons, examples and anecdotes will be shared to illustrate strategies that will impact others. Is it important to do things right or to do the right thing? The connected leader knows the difference and forges forward.  In today’s world, there are no excuses to not be connected and to continue to grow your craft and to collaborate, share and lead. Together we can change and improve the learning experiences of students across the globe.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:


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