Your Name and Title: Vicki Cobb
School or Organization Name: iNK Think Tank
Co-Presenter Name(s): Dorothy Hinshaw Patent, Alexandra Siy
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New York and Montana, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Teachers, administrators, students
Short Session Description (one line): \
Discover The Nonfiction Minute: Teachable moments for memorable learning. FREE! On the Web! Every day!
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
The Nonfiction Minute is a FREE daily posting of short pieces of nonfiction, by a group of award-winning children’s nonfiction authors). Each Nonfiction Minute also contains an audio file of the author reading his or her text, so students can actually hear the author's voice making the content available to less fluent readers. The other advantage of the audio is that it will free us authors from the constraints of children's reading vocabulary, which is what makes textbooks and many children's books designed for the classroom so bland.
The session, which will include several award-winning children's nonfiction authors will give some examples of Nonfiction Minutes and invite discussion on how they can be best implemented in the classroom.
Hi Vicki -
Thanks for your proposal. Are you representing and promoting a for profit company in this session? Companies must be a sponsor in order to present.
Also, it is not clear to me how this proposal ties to our mission. This is not a general education conference. If you are not representing a for profit company, can you please edit this and discuss the global aspects of this?
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair
Hi Lucy:
I really admire the work you and Steve have been doing, been watching since you started, and would love to be a part of it. At the moment we are an LLC about to become a 501 c 3. We are struggling financially but are determined to show the difference that high-quality nonfiction can bring to the classroom. So we've just launched The Nonfiction Minute as a free online resource for teachers and students written by top children's nonfiction authors on all kinds of subjects of interest to kids. I think it ties in very well with your mission of global awareness. We have just finished our first week of publishing and we have had more than 6,000 page views. Please take a look at the site: and see if it fits your mission. I think children need to hear from many voices and this certainly fits into your mission statement. If not, we will quietly go away and wish you the best of luck.
The first week's subjects hit on music, Handel, charity, the light year, the stinky condiment used by ancient Romans, a poem for 9/11, and cultural history of an army food.
Hi Vicki -
Thanks for your kind words!
When your company becomes a non-profit, you're welcome to present. In the meantime, I need to adhere to our long-standing policy that requires for profits to be sponsors in order to present.
If your status changes, and you continue with this proposal, I still need to see specific language that ties to our mission in the proposal: Right now, the proposal makes no references to helping develop global awareness and competency.
Thanks for understanding,