Your Name and Title: Rocio Aguilar, Dual Language Instructional Specialist

School or Organization Name: VIF International Education

Co-Presenter Name(s): N/A

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: North America/United States

Language in Which You Will Present: English/Spanish

Target Audience(s): Dual language teachers, administrators and advocates

Short Session Description (one line): This session will share examples from dual language classrooms in which teachers effectively integrate dual language instruction with global content. 

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

As a dual language instructional specialist who specializes in virtual coaching, I have the opportunity to work with dual language teachers all over North Carolina. I primarily work with international teachers from Latin America who are working in public schools in North Carolina. In my role, I have observed countless examples of teachers using innovative ideas and strategies to combine language, culture and global connections for their students. In this session, I'll share some examples from the field and leave time for discussion so that other teachers have a chance to collaborate and share ideas. 

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