Your Name and Title: Ms. Wynzyleen L. Lee
School or Organization Name: University of the Philippines Diliman
Co-Presenter Name(s): Ms. Claudia Mendoza
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Philippines
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Educators and students
Short Session Description (one line):
Encouraging social awareness on the state of poverty amongst many of the people in the world today and inspiring action in the form of collaboration and understanding.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
A great many factors divide the world today and one of the biggest of these come from our own negative perceptions of some of the people around us. And, unfortunately, our lack of positive action to negating these stereotypes and misconceptions, especially concerning those from lower SES, does nothing in forming the quality of camaraderie and teamwork we want to exist amongst the world’s individual’s.
This session aims to inform people about the worsening state of poverty in many of the world’s countries and inspire motivation in them to create the change that needs to be done and can be done through them.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
(to follow)
Here is a copy of my presentation!
EDUC 190 - Webinar.pdf