Your Name and Title: Nicole Weitzner, Coordinator of Programs & Digital Content, iEARN-USA
School or Organization Name: iEARN Co-Presenter Name(s): Farah Kamal, Executive Director, iEARN-Pakistan; Firuz Baratov, GCEP Coordinator, iEARN-Tajikistan
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: U.S., Pakistan, and Tajikistan
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): High School educators and administrators, youth organizations, high school students, photojournalists, journalists, and food security experts in the U.S., Pakistan, and Tajikistan
Short Session Description (one line): Join us and learn about iEARN’s unique and exciting Photojournalism 2.0: Images of Social Change program and how you can participate in this year’s Photojournalism 2.014: Heritage, Hunger, and Food Security program.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Join us as we present iEARN’s Photojournalism 2.0: Images of Social Change program that took place last year, and learn how to become involved in this year’s Photojournalism 2.014: Heritage, Hunger, and Food Security program. We will discuss all aspects of the Photojournalism 2.0: Images of Social Change program, including the participants, funder, goals, key program facts or objectives, program components, and outcomes. Then, we will take a look at what this year’s Photojournalism 2.014: Heritage, Hunger, and Food Security program has in store for its participants. This year’s program will engage educators and youth in Pakistan, Tajikistan, and the United States in cross-cultural collaboration to help them develop photojournalism and media skills through the lens of Heritage, Hunger, and Food Security. Lastly, we will invite U.S. educators, high schools, and youth organizations to apply and will respond to any questions.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: iEARN-USA Photojournalism 2.014 web page:, World Youth News website: