Your Name and Title: Firuz Baratov
School or Organization Name: iEARN country contact person
Co-Presenter Name(s): Tojiddin Haitov, Robiya Madjidova
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Tajikistan
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): students and educators
Short Session Description (one line): Photojournalism for covering social issues in Tajikistan – raise the youth voice.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
From 2012 with the support iEARN in Tajikistan we implemented three youth journalism program, which two of them were photojournalism. In frame of these programs were intensively trained more than 200 teachers and 500 students. These target group had opportunity to learn journalism, photojournalism and digital reporting. In the result the students and teachers took thousands of photos and prepared hundreds of stories about “Social change” and “Heritage, hunger and food security”. Later in 2014 with the support U.S embassy we implemented two small photojournalism program “Photojournalism for girls in Rasht value” and “Photojournalism for young leaders”.
During all these project students are covered social challenges, their life, culture and different issues and could attract the attention of decision makers to these problems.
In our presentation we would like to tell about the power of media and the role of youth on making change for having better life.
Presentation will be interactive with two co presenters.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: