Just a quick note to thank everyone who attended and presented at the 2011 Global Education Conference! For me personally, it has been such a rich experience interacting with presenters and participants, "listening" to the attendee chatter via social media, and reviewing various reflections in our social network. All of the conference webinar sessions will be available indefinitely on our Quick Links page, and I encourage you to review these and pass relevant ones on to your colleagues. The conference lives on through the recordings!
My co-chair, Steve Hargadon, will have more to report down the road in terms of the success of this event, but I can tell you right now that we had almost 40,000 unique hits to the conference Ning web site during the course of the past week. Take a look at our Clustr map, too, for an interesting view of hits to our site since January of 2010. Clearly, this map needs more red dots in certain parts of the world, so let us all keep spreading the word!
Regarding our virtual documentary screenings, Carol Black has extended the viewing window for Schooling the Worldfor another week. The URL is http://vimeo.com/schoolingtheworld/global-ed. The password is "schoolingtheworld". Louder Than a Bomb is available for purchase and will also air on Oprah Winfrey’s OWN network in the US on January 5, 2012, so mark the date on your calendars. For local screenings and additional information, please visit their official web site. LTAB has been screened globally as it was selected to be a part of the U.S State Department's American Documentary Showcase. Greg Jacobs' co-director, Jon Siskel, was just in Angola last week as part of this program in fact!
Steve and I will be debriefing this week about GlobalEdCon11, and are excited to start planning for next year's conference. Stay tuned for further announcements, and keep the conversation and connections going in the conference community!
All the best,
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Char