Your Name and Title: Zehra Habib,
Use of problem solving skill to enhance students' understanding of mathematical concepts
School or Organization Name: Notre Dame Institute of Education, Karachi.
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Pakistan
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): All Teachers
Short Session Description (one line):
In this action research study of seventh grade mathematics, I investigated how the use of problem solving skills facilitates the learning in mathematics for my students. Such skills are the demand of global era as it will help students to make sense of the world.
If you would like to me to review your proposal again, please make revisions by November 17th 9 PM Central (GMT-6). Then, email me at to let me know your proposal is ready for another look.
Make sure to review our documentation and align your proposal to our goals:
How does this relate to the mission of the conference? Please review our mission: We are about opportunities for global collaboration, connecting classrooms and offering access to education for all. Please edit your proposal and show more direct ties to our focus.
This is not a conference focused on typical education subjects solely. There may be other conferences that Steve Hargadon, my co-chair, puts on that may be a better fit.
If you make changes to your proposal, please let me know and I'll review it again.
Thank you,
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair