Your Name and Title:    Larry Musolino

School or Organization Name:   Allentown PA

Co-Presenter Name(s):   N/A

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:  United States - Allentown, PA

Language in Which You Will Present:    English
Target Audience(s):   College Educators

Short Session Description (one line):   Promoting Student Success in Statistics by Investigating Worldwide global problems using statistical data

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Many studies and guidelines for teaching of statistics at the high school or college level encourage the use of real world datasets and applications of statistical concepts.   See for example, the GAISE College Report located at    Real world examples and applications motivate student interest in statistics and also helps students to be educated consumers of statistical data and claims.


However, we can go one step further and encourage students to analyze global data and help to solve global problems using statistical data and statistical analsyis methods.  Applications which are relevant to student interest also enhances conceptual understanding of statistical concepts and can be used to integrate the use of technology as part of statistical analysis. 


In addition, by incorporating dataset examples from a cross-section of fields such as biology, engineering, sociology, global health care, global climate change, global population trends, global environmental concerns, etc. students can see the relevance of statistical analysis to a wide variety of fields and professions. 


This presentation will highlight generally accessible datasets of a global nature and also present potential research questions for students to investigation to help analyze global issues and contribute to an improved global environment through statistical analysis.  

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Co-Chair

    Hi Larry -

    This looks like a great proposal. Can you go to the OPTIONS button in the upper righthand corner and edit your proposal? It just needs a title other than "Proposal for the 2016 Conference". You also need to add the required strand tags. Refer to the call for proposals for these. 


    Lucy Gray 

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