Your Name and Title: Adam Carter, Social Studies Teacher and Service Learning Coordinator

School or Organization Name: Schutz American School 

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Egypt

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Teachers, Students, Administrators

Short Session Description (one line): Teaching High School Global Issues as a Springboard for Creating Young Activists

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): High-school level Global Issues classes are an important tool to help students learn about some of the major issues the world faces. As an extension, students often research and explore potential solutions to some of these problems. But this class is also an ideal forum to introduce students to their own ability to make a tangible impact in their world. By focusing on "taking action," teachers can help students develop their own agency as they plan (and ultimately carry out) their own "development projects." Based on his extensive experience running his humanitarian non-profit foundation, Mr Carter has developed an innovative approach to the Global Issues class concept, in which students: 1) learn about the issue; 2) research potential solutions; 3) propose their own action plan; and 4) deliver aid to make an impact. This session will explain his approach, including a step-by-step class outline that can be adopted or adapted in whole, or in parts. He will also explain the global collaboration project he has designed between students in the states and his students in Egypt. Lastly, he will introduce his "Development Grant Shark Tank" idea which is a culmination activity in which students simulate the grant-writing process, with the winning projects actually being funded and carried out!

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