PUNTOZERO is a web-lab cooperating with the Department of Surgical Sciences of the University of Parma, Italy. About 150 Master students are involved in 5 e-Learning environments part of the wider infrastructure named PUNTOZERO (en: dot zero): http://puntozero.github.io/
Healthcare and Innovation are the keywords at the core of the experimental activities of PUNTOZERO web-lab networking people, resources and experiences from and to different areas of edge-cutting technology and research in the field of healthcare such as Virtual Reality, e-Learning, Healthcare without harm, digital ethnography, cultural and socio-technical issues, Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Big Data, etc...
Graduate and post-graduate education programs for health professionals and social workers might benefit from PUNTOZERO resources. Students, scholars and experts may dive into innovative research programs and collaborate hands-on in its projects about e-Learning, emerging ITC, resiliency in healthcare realities, distribuited and additive manufacturing processes.
We are interested in hosting a webinar on education on "innovation & healthcare" issues. Students, patients, health professionals, ...anyone is welcome!
Contact us by commenting this post! Thank you.
PUNTOZERO is participating to the EU funded OP3NCARE initiative.