Your Name and Title: Sara Abou Afach

School or Organization Name: Lebanese University

Co-Presenter Name(s): ---

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Lebanon - Middle east. 

Language in Which You Will Present: English 

Target Audience(s): Teachers/Students 

Short Session Description (one line): the session will talk about flipped classroom and how it help reach more students through technology 

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

In this age, reaching to as many people inside and outside the country educator is living in is easy. Through technology, we as educators can send the messages, teach and influence students from around the globe. Not only that, but also we can use technology to learn, improve our teaching practices and provide classroom resources to educators around the world. 

Flipped classroom has been used since forever, however with the technology evolution and internet access to greater number of students, flipped classroom nowadays plays a better role in accessing students and helping with the sustainable development goals; Quality of Education. By this, we are using technology to raise awareness and help in providing education to everyone.  

The aim of the session is to inform interested educators of the current situation of education around the world and how can we help in shapping a better future by influencing and working on UN educational Goal; Quality of education.

The suggested example doesn't require teacher to do extra job, all they would do is to post their classes online as an open access resource. As technology nowadays has a major role in how we are learning and teaching, using this tool for a better future and as an aiding tool to achieve sustainable development goal to increaser the quality of education

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:


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  • Co-Chair

    This still does not align with our mission. Please proofread and add language that shows how your topic relates to globally connected teaching and learning. We need to see a description that shows how flipped learning is related to global collaboration. This is not a conference is that is solely focused on ed tech. Please read our mission carefully: If you wish to tie this to the SDGs, that's fine, but we need you to elaborate further on this relationship.


    • Co-Chair


      Please read our mission and align your proposal accordingly. We are about international/global projects and opportunities for connecting classrooms, and you need to elaborate on how your work relates to this. This conference is not solely focused on educational technology, although ed tech plays a significant role in connecting classrooms.

      • Hello Lucy, Updated the presentation and the description to be alined with the conference mission. 
        Have a great weekend. 

  • Thank you for the feedback.

    The aim of the session is to inform interested educators of the current situation of education around the world and how can we help in happing a better future by using technology. The suggested example doesn't require teacher to do extra job, all they would do is to post their classes online as an open access resource. As technology nowadays has a major role in how we are learning and teaching, using this tool for a better future and as an aiding tool to achieve sustainable development goal to increaser the quality of education. 

    Attached is the proposal outline, more detail will be added to support the main aim of the session. 
    Thank you. 


  • Co-Chair

    Hi Sara, 

    Thank you for your proposal. Please edit this and make sure that it incorporates more information that is related to our mission: We are not an educational technology conference, although tech plays an important role in many of the proposals submitted. Your proposal needs to have additional details that outline implications for globally connected teaching and learning. I see that you have referenced SDG4 and that is good; please elaborate on how your proposal supports this.


    Lucy Gray

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