Your Name and Title:
Rozina Jumani, Associate Professor/ Director Strategic Planning and Capacity Building
School or Organization Name: Higher Education Institutions and NDIE
Co-Presenter Name(s): --
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Karachi, Pakistan
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): All leaders from formal and non-formal settings
Short Session Description (one line): Releasing creativity and confidence among Youth through non formal life skills program in underprivileged urban setting
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
This program was unique in nature as the youth aged (18-35) from under privilege areas of Karachi participated in three months non formal education program with minimal literacy background. This program aimed at fostering life skills among youth through which they could become part of main stream education at high school, undergraduate or graduate levels. The program facilitated youth in providing various opportunities to participants to develop their literary and creative talents.
This presentation will inform the audience about the process of creating specific curricular for specific youth including girls as a separate groups, because the community was not in favor of co-education. Testing and piloting the contents of curricula and developing a team of facilitators for sustainability purpose. This presentation will also shed light on candid feedback from youth and their future aspiration.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: