Your Name and Title:


Nikki D Robertson

School Librarian

Technology Coordinator

EdCamp Atlanta Co Founder

School, Library, or Organization Name: 

Auburn High School

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Country from Which You Will Present:

United States

Language in Which You Will Present:


Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): 

School Librarians, Teachers K-16, Administrators

Grades K-16

Short Session Description (one line): 

This session will discuss the "unconference" model followed by EdCamp events as well as tried and true professional learning methods that will work wonders in your school.

Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum): 

Session attendees will learn about the transformative teaching and innovative learning that takes place at Edcamp events around the world. EdCamp events are open “un-conferences” committed to reaching all educators in public, private, charter, and higher ed environments with innovative learning using pioneering technologies and instructional strategies to transform teaching for all students. Session attendees will also learn how to bring this "unconference" environment to their schools for successful professional learning.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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