Your Name and Title:  Matt Nink--Executive Director


School or Organization Name: Global Youth Leadership Institute


Co-Presenter Name(s): Marines Fonseca


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: USA/Spain 


Language in Which You Will Present: English/Spanish 


Target Audience(s): K-16 Educators, Global Studies Directors, Heads of School, Principals, Administrators, and Parents


Short Session Description (one line):  Learn to successfully navigate the increasingly complex set of variables associated with global education travel to ensure an excellent learning experience for your students.


Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Drawing from their successful student exchanges all over the world, Matt Nink and Marines Fonseca will help educators identify the key elements of a successful global experience. Those who plan and execute global educational travel for service and learning need to manage a more and more complex set of variables, from risk management to training your chaperones.  Marines and Matt have planned short-term exchanges for students coming to the USA and for US students traveling abroad.  Working closely with schools, other NGOs, and the US State Department, they have made these exchange programs more experiential, authentic, and long lasting for student and teacher participants.

Topics we will cover:

  • Health and Safety
  • Supervision/Chaperoning/Adults
  • General Liability Insurance
  • Travel Insurance
  • Risk Management
  • Travel logistics
  • Adult roles and responsibilities
  • Student responsibilities
  • Blogs and publicity
  • Communication with vendors and partners
  • Communication with parents
  • Packing lists
  • What happens Afterwards: The Leader Learning Plan



Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: 

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  • Co-Chair

    Hi Matt -


    This looks like a great proposal! Can you edit the tags, though, and add 2011Teachers and 2011Students (no spaces) so your post will appear in the right places?





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