Your Name and Title: Nina Prodinger 


School or Organization Name: SharedMindspace by ParentalPal.Org


Co-Presenter Name(s):


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Europe (the Alps)


Language in Which You Will Present: English


Target Audience(s): Students, parents, teachers 


Short Session Description (one line): Shared Mindspace - a direct and personal exchange of education & experience


Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

ParentalPal.Org is an international exchange for education, experience and opportunity.
Shared Mindspace is its most powerful program: it takes student exchange very literally.

The Parental Pal network lets families find their ideal match to exchange their student kids. Shared Mindspace provides the framework for their arrangement: open minded and keen-to-learn youngsters trade places for a term or even a year and they, their families and their school classes prepare well for this exchange.

Whilst costs and emotional barriers are reduced to a minimum this way, kids get the best of both worlds by entering a new world of their own choice with a clear picture of their new surroundings before they set off and with both their host family and their new class gving them a sincere welcome in a place left "warm and ready" by their exchange partner.

Shared Mindspace holds a few "secret weapons" to achieve full impact as a global education tool:

1.) Parents and siblings profit a great deal, the connection student-to-student is the core element of a family-to-family relationship held together by multiple shared interests and intensive personal contact.

2.) The effects on class mates and host family are powerful: the kids going on exchange are driven by their desire to venture out and are happy to communicate their excitement to their social environment. They are as keen to learn about their new surroundings as they are eager to tell about the culture they come from and the values they stand for.

3.) Long term preparation is recommended for the families and the schools: kids are encouraged to include their teachers from the early planning phase all the way to the moment of going abroad. Teachers enjoy preparing the student for his destination and the class for the newcomer, the strong personal element makes it much easier for kids to relate to all the relevant information. 

4.) Teachers can make the most out of the kids' "ambassador role" - it allows for emotional and academic leverage to raise interest and attention. It also paves the way for other kids to follow suit.


Access to the Shared Mindspace program is free to all members of ParentalPal.Org. Membership can be obtained by application (the "price" option) or by participating in the SchoolPal program (the "prize" option).


Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Co-Chair
    Since you have not responded to my requests about the commercial nature of your proposal, we cannot accept your submission for the conference. Please email Steve Hargadon to verify your commercial status if you would like to be considered by November 7, 23:00 UTC.  Thanks!
  • Co-Chair

    Is ParentPal a commercial venture?



  • Co-Chair

    Is this a commercial presentation? 


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