Your Name and Title: Anne Mirtschin, ICT Teacher; Web Conference Coach

School or Organization Name: Hawkesdale P12 College; Digital Learning DEECD
Co-Presenter Name(s): Todd Flory (USA), Kyle Calderwood (USA), Beverly Ladd (USA), Jon Tait , Ana Živković (Serbia) and more

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Australia, USA, UK and more

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Teachers, Community Members

Short Session Description (one line): Take learning beyond the textbook with Skype to engage others, including students, in learning, to enable connections and provide a great way of communicating on a global scale

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Skype is a user friendly free tool that is popular for connecting educators, classrooms, experts and communities across the world. It has been used in many exciting ways to engage people of all ages in learning, enable connections and provide a great way of communicating on a global scale.

It has many features that are necessary for successful and innovative synchronous connections but also for non-synchronous connections with the new video message option. Equipment needs are minimal and within the reach of all across the globe.

Mystery skype, mystery number, expert speakers, cultural exchanges, virtual tours, distance education, celebrating global events and special days eg “read aloud days”, “international friendship day’ are just some of the innovative ways that it has been used for. In this session, a panel of global educators will share many ways to use skype and videoconferencing to engage students and extended their learning.

The skills required for successful linkups, ideas for best practise, great ‘one off’ classroom ideas, ongoing project suggestions and popular online resources will be shared, together with tips and hints for overcoming challenges when connecting globally.

Please join us and take learning beyond the textbook!

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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