Your Name and Title: Ramil Andag

                                  Student, BSE Social Studies

School or Organization Name: University of the Philippines - Diliman

Co-Presenter Name(s): Rowena Morales

                                    Student, BSE Special Education

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Philippines

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Students, teachers, parents

Short Session Description (one line):

Social media (Twitter and Facebook) are popular among learners and can be effective platforms in discussing concepts of sexual orientation and gender identities, non-discrimination and equality.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Awareness leads to reflection.

An important ingredient for equality is awareness and understanding.

Equality, regardless of sexual orientation and gender equality is a cornerstone principle of human rights. However, learners still experience acts of discrimination based on their perceived or actual sexual orientation and gender identity. While some learning environments already provide for some discussions on SOGI, social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter, offer potentials into further discussions on the topic.

Most learners have access to Facebook and Twitter, thus, these social media platforms can provide discussions which will generate perspectives from various sectors and communities, not limited by the bounds of the traditional classrooms. Such can provide for exchange of ideas, towards participants reflecting on their existing stereotypes about SOGI, and hopefully contribute to a global environment which respects diversity and equality. 

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