Your Name and Title: 

Clyde Mann, Elementary Science Teacher

School or Organization Name: Warm Springs Elementary School

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Fremont, CA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Elementary School Teachers, Principals, Innovative District Administrators, and Visionary Policy Makers

Short Session Description (one line): How to spread Day of Innovation Globally

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

I want to take Day of Innovation globally. Day of Innovation is a collaborative partnership between higher ed, research institutions, start up incubators, parents and local industry solely to bring hands on lab activities for the world’s future innovators, elementary students. This event is done by all partners sweeping down on a school for a one day science palooza event that is memorable for all. The goal for this event is to create future innovators that will hopefully solve some of humanity’s most pressing problems. I will describe the successes of the last three years events at Warm Springs Elementary School.  I will also share the theme (Sustainable Transportation) that has been adopted to coincide with Day of Innovation and its importance.  I will also share a competition that came out of the event where students created their own city of the future.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

Global Ed Conference Proposal.docx

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  • Co-Chair

    Hi Clyde -

    Got your call.. I'm at a swim meet, so it's not a good time to talk. I should be around tomorrow, though.


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