Your Name and Title: Pamela Young, Ph.D., Consultant and Project Manager
School, Library, or Organization Name: Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Country from Which You Will Present: Canada
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): Teachers and administrators of all grade levels
Short Session Description (one line): This session will give practical ideas for establishing a project in which teachers and members of immigrant communities collaborate to build understanding of each group's educational assumptions and expectations.
Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum): As North American classrooms have become increasingly diverse, teachers and administrators are often challenged to understand and meet the needs of immigrant students, especially when these students belong to cultural groups in which educational assumptions and expectations are highly divergent from those found in North American schools. In a project sponsored by the Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation and the Alberta Teachers' Association, teachers of Somali and South Sudanese students collaborated with Somali and South Sudanese community members to build understanding of each group's educational assumptions and expectations. The group then wrote and published resources that would assist students, teachers, administrators, and community members to establish a climate of mutual respect and communicate more effectively. As the project manager, I will discuss the project's logistics, challenges, and successful outcomes, and assist the session participants to consider how they might implement a similar project.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Please edit your proposal and add a required tag or tags. This is really important! Let me know when you've done this as it will bump you out of the Accepted Proposal category!
GEC Call for Proposals
Lucy Gray
Hi, Lucy. Thanks for your comments. How do you need me to edit the proposal, and how do I add a required tag or tags? I was having a lot of trouble with my computer freezing every 30 seconds or so as I was typing the session description this morning , so what you are seeing may not have been what I thought I was submitting. Sorry. Please help.
Review the call for proposals: Call for Proposals. Go to OPTIONS in the upper right hand corner and edit the discussion. The tag field is under your discussion field. Make sure to save.
Hope it's OK now.