Your Name and Title: Jeff Hoffart (@JeffHoffart) - TEDxYouth@BIS Team
School or Organization Name: Bonn International School
Co-Presenter Name(s): Tosca Killoran (@ToscaKilloran) - Early Learning Teacher
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Bonn, Germany
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): All Teachers
Short Session Description (one line):
There is a current movement towards student-led learning, student empowerment, and students as creators or makers, which aligns with the revised version of Bloom’s Taxonomy. In Creating, students learn to generate new ideas, ways of thinking, or habits of mind in designing, constructing, planning, producing and inventing. Learn about how certain tools can foster the development of these higher-order thinking skills, as well as promote connectivity and collaboration within and beyond your classroom.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
The higher-order thinking cognitive objective of Creating may be one of the key components in students becoming agents of change. In fostering this higher-order thinking, we are empowering students to become the next generation of youth change agents and social entrepreneurs, exponentially making an impact to environmental, humanitarian and societal issues.
By introducing our students to creation tools, we facilitate this movement. This session will be prefaced by choosing and using creation tools for an authentic purpose, how students can use these tools to collaborate within and beyond their classroom, and what thinking skills are developed that can be further applied when solving real world problems. The session will introduce a variety of creation tools that you or your students can use to create: comics, animations, infographics, word clouds, timelines, games, apps, blogs and websites.
Beyond empowering our students and fostering their development of creative skills and higher-order thinking abilities, it also reinforces best practices in teaching. In offering our students a choice of what tools to use to demonstrate their understanding, it acknowledges a diverse group of learners, supporting Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences and differentiation, increasing students’ chances of success.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
If you missed it, here is the video of our session - LINK
All of our "Students as Creators: Tools to Create" Resources and Links can be found all compiled in one place on our Symbaloo - LINK
To access the slides, resources (Symbaloo) and video from this session, check out our blog post with everything you need!
Hi -
Thanks for your proposal. For profits need to be sponsors in order to present. Please contact Steve Hargadon, my co-chair, if you are interested in receiving more information.
Lucy Gray
Conference Co-Chair
Hi Lucy,
Am I able to present as an educator, not under the branch of ED-ucation Publishing? We are signed up as a GEC partner, and presented last year as teachers. Essentially, we are not looking to self-promote, and are looking to share our teaching expertise and resources we have curated with other teachers.
We would change our organization to Bonn International School and adapt our profile to feature us as teachers.
For profit companies need to be sponsors, particularly if a product is being highlighted. The partnership program is for non-profits and schools, so I'm not sure how that happened. I'm more than happy to approve this if you change the organization in the proposal to Bonn International School and your roles there.
Thanks Lucy,
I have made the changes, please let us know if this works and what the next steps are.
Thanks for your time and support. I know you are extremely busy and we appreciate the huge amount of work and effort that you give to make such a great conference happen!
Okay, the next thing we need to focus on here is correlating your session to the mission of the conference: Can you edit the proposal and be a little more clear on how global collaboration comes into play with your topic? Remember, this is not a conference focuses solely on technology!