My name is Andreea Bordeianu and I am a PhD candidate in Educational Leadership, School of Education and Human Services at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. I am conducting my dissertation research under the direction of my faculty adviser Dr. Julia Smith. My dissertation focus is the capturing a snapshot of the traditional and global teacher preparation programs, with a particular interest in the exploration of global competencies for future educators.
If you are so inclined, your support in sending an online survey to your education students by December 31st, 2014 will help me complete my dissertation research. The survey can be accessed with the following secure URL:
Your participation in a follow up e-mail would also be appreciated, but it is not a requirement. If you are willing to support my research and wish to be contacted, please indicate so and send a message to
Finally, the survey link includes the study information sheet approved by Oakland University’s IRB. The information document outlines the research study in detail; the safeguards put in place to protect your confidentiality, and important contact information for my faculty adviser should you need to contact them.
Your time is esteemed and I realize that you are busy, so your support in completing this study is invaluable to me and my research.
Should you have any question about this study you can contact me at Regards,
Andreea Bordeianu PhD Candidate Oakland University