Your Name and Title: Susan Wells, School-based Administrator
School, Library, or Organization Name: Durham Public Schools
Co-Presenter Name(s): Lynne Goodhand
Country from Which You Will Present: United States
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): Teachers and School-based Administrators
Short Session Description (one line): Supporting the literal and digital travel of our global student citizens throught the exploration of project-based learning.
Proposal: In today’s highly competitive global “knowledge economy”, all students need new skills for college, careers, and citizenship. This supports most states' adoption of the Common Core Standards. The failure to give all students these new skills leaves today’s youth-and our country-at an alarming competitive disadvantage. As Tony Wagner's The Global Achievement Gap suggests, "Schools haven’t changed; the world has." In this session we will explore how schools are able to use the tools of project-based learning to support our students’ travel as they develop into true Global Citizens. Specifically we will travel the world digitally with a clear lesson plan replication for teachers to use across grade levels.