Hi All -
Perhaps Alice Barr posted this already, and I missed it, but I received an email this AM from Bette Manchester, who has been active in the state of Maine's laptop program for students. She asked me to pass on Jim Moulton's message, so here it is. It looks like they are looking for responses around the world, so this looks like a great opportunity for our membership! Read on!
Good morning from Maine!
I am part of a team putting on a technology-focused conference for 800 participants on May 29, 2009. http://archives.mainelearns.org/studentconference
Eighty percent of the participants will be middle and high school students involved in Maine's 1:1 laptop program, the Maine Learning Technology Initiative. http://www.maine.gov/mlti/
We will be doing a big super-session around Google forms http://googledocs.blogspot.com/2008/02/stop-sharing-spreadsheets-start.html , and the ability to ask questions and collect data.
So, in preparation for this session, we have prepared a "tell us about school where you learn" survey that I would like to ask you to visit and provide anonymous input about your school.
Also, it would be great if students and colleagues from your school could visit as well. The more data points, the better!
Follow this link to the survey: http://tinyurl.com/mainelearns
The common wisdom is that Google's most powerful asset is the way it answers questions. In contrast to that, we will be suggesting that this ability to ask questions in a purposeful way of people from anywhere, via the network, is now more important. As the ability to get answers to any question becomes ubiquitous, its value falls. The power will rest now with the best question askers...
Another part of this session will be reinforcing the value of human networks, and to that end we would like to ask you to pass this e-mail on to colleagues or families in different schools, in different places, with different data.
Thank you in advance for helping us show students the power of people and thoughtful questions.
Jim Moulton, Educational Technology Consultant
JimMoulton.org, Inc.
Staff to the Maine Learning Technology Initiative
Faculty Associate of the George Lucas Educational Foundation
National Faculty Member of The Buck Institute for Education
~Helping educators use technology to make a difference
in the real world of schools~
164 Starbird Corner Road Bowdoin, ME 04287
V-207-666-5686 C-207-751-7954
jim@jimmoulton.org http://jimmoulton.org
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