
Survey Request: Global Collaboration Stories

Hi All -


I'm prepping for a slew of articles and presentations related to global education. Please take a few minutes and share your stories, and I will potentially include them. It would also be a huge help if you could share this survey with interested colleagues via Twitter, Facebook etc.


You can find the survey here:

Global Education Stories


Thanks in advance,


Lucy Gray


The Global Education Collaborative



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  • My students in South Dakota are collaborating with students on a plant and water quality projects, in Gulu Uganda at schools that are part of BOSCO, an agency that aids people in the former IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camps..  The project and its details can be found at:  The project is funded in part by Washington University in St. Louis Science Outreach, and an NSF award for my project design.  A friend was able to take sampling equipment and cameras to my partner teacher in Gulu.
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