Your Name and Title: Tania Rashid, Education Support Coordinator
School or Organization Name: TakingITGlobal
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Canada
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s):
Short Session Description (one line): Exploring ways to use social networking and digital media tools to facilitate global education and inspire student leadership in local and global communities.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
TakingITGlobal (TIG) operates an online community of young leaders where they have the tools and resources to motivate and inspire others to make a difference, learn about issues that matter, and find ways to constructively channel their energy and ideas. has reached over 450 million youth since its launch in 2000.
As TIG's vibrant global community has evolved, educators have sought to integrate its resources and focus on action-based learning into their teaching. This was made easier in 2006, with the launch of the TakingITGlobal for Educators (TIGed) program. TIGed comprises a community of educators interested in empowering their students to think and act as world citizens, a collection of resources that facilitate the inclusion of global perspectives in the classroom, and a virtual classroom that allows students to use technology to learn with and about peers the world over. Currently there are over 10,000 education from 3,800 school worldwide are engaged with TIGed.
As a result of participating in this session, participants will:
Learn more about the importance of global awareness and citizenship;
Become familiar with the educational tools and resources available through TakingITGlobal's online learning community for young global leaders;
Develop a solid understanding of how they might benefit from TIGed's community of globally minded teachers, resources, and virtual classroom spaces;
Know what TIGed programs and initiatives are available to them;
Learn how to integrate the study of global issues into the classroom through the use of virtual tools;
Realize the power of global collaboration and social networking in facilitating student-led learning and engagement;
Feel more confident using online tools within their classrooms to facilitate engaging, interactive, global learning; and
Learn how to find the support that they need moving forward.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: