Ruty Hotzen


Area of the World from Which You Will Present:Asia

Language in Which You Will Present:English

Target Audience(s):teachers, students, after school activities,all

Short Session Description (one line): Talking Kites all over the world in the footsteps of J. Korczak

Full Session Description : Students make kites to fly as a massive tribute dedicated to advancing the cultural and social dialog, a symbol of bridging the gap and understanding the "other." This will hopefully become a continuous tradition of flying kites with personal and group images of our dreams for a better world, a world of co-existence, tolerance, acceptance of the "other" and peace.
"It is important in today's political climate that we express to the world that peace is within our grasp," said Adi Yekutieli, founder of the 10,000 Kites Project. Yekutieli, an artist, says he envisions "organized groups a wide spectrum of groups, adults, children, Israeli, Palestinian, citizens around the world coming together and each person will hold aloft a kite which he or she has decorated, as a symbol of dialogue, brotherhood and understanding of the other side. Each participant will be flying a kite with his or her thoughts, fears, dreams, and hopes."
Kites will be flown on the March Equinox. In 2015, kites will be flown on and around March 21, 2015. The project is dedicated to Janusz Korczak, who advocated for the rights of children.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

Korczak was saying.pdf

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