- Joseph Martínez, Chief of...
- Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
- Brisna Mantilla, Political Scientist
- Bogotá, Colombia - English
- Primary and High School Teachers and Administrators
- In this presentation we will present Tappeace, a project designed to develop competencies and skills for peaceful conflict resolution that delegitimize the use of aggression and decrease the risk of recurrence and / or transformation of violence in post-conflict areas by means of interactive technologies.
The Interactive Peace Lab -Tappeace- is a technological educational program of peace education that seeks to develop and strengthen assertive communication skills, peaceful conflict resolution and management of emotions in children, and their teachers through the use of technology in order to build cultures of peace inside and outside the school. Tappeace will contribute to strengthen lasting peace in Viotá (Cundinamarca, Colombia), municipality whipped by political violence and on reconciliation process by digital educational strategies that weaken the legitimacy of aggression. This project offers a new approach based on integration of 1) technological development of Peace Games1 curriculum for fifth grade, 2) training teachers in skills and competencies to educate for peace, 3) ongoing communication with parents of students. For its implementation, Tappeace includes the development of a mobile application designed to enrich the learning process of children through collaborative games and group challenges, which may be replicable in other contexts. In addition to the app, Tappeace has an interactive half round desk with a central TV display physically integrated to the classroom to organize and focus collaborative work.
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