Your Name and Title:
Chris Lazarski, Social Studies/English teacher
School or Organization Name:
Wauwatosa West High School
Co-Presenter Name(s):
Rick Sear, Alayna Graf, Brittany Hunt, Alexis Hardy
Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Language in Which You Will Present:
Target Audience(s):
High school students, educators and administrators and those interested in photojournalism, food heritage, hunger, food security, cross-cultural/global collaborative projects, virtual exchange and physical exchange
Short Session Description (one line): Tastes Great! Less Filling! How engaging a group of urban high school students in the iEARN Photojournalism 2.104 Heritage, Hunger and Food Security Program provided an authentic and meaningful context to build relationships and learn from peers and teachers from around the world.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
High school students and their instructor will share their experience participating in all aspects of the iEARN Photojournalism 2.014: Heritage, Hunger, and Food Security program, a project that engaged high school students and educators in the U.S., Pakistan and Tajikistan in cross-cultural collaboration about food, heritage and food security.
The teacher will provide an brief overview how the project was integrated into the classroom and highlight several of the basic instructional modules he created to engage students in the project. Materials will be shared. Students will discuss how they approached the project, examine their participation in the classroom, field trip activities to local farms as well as examine the development of their own learning.
A special focus will also be placed on student preparation and participation in the Photojournalism 2.014: Heritage, Hunger and Food Security symposium in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Students and the teacher will share the steps students took to prepare and fully engage in their first international experience. The session will conclude with a question and answer session.