Your Name and Title: Alys Jordan
School or Organization Name: Nova Southeastern University
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: USA: Florida
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Administrator, Teachers, Librarians, and Students
Short Session Description (one line):
The “Teaching Across the Globe” workshop will assist administrator, teachers, librarians, and students by listing technology in creating an interactive learning environment. The workshop serves to assist global stakeholders in teaching across the globe. The applications are tools for teachers and students to share knowledge synchronously or asynchronously lessons.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
The “Teaching Across the Globe” workshop will assist administrator, teachers, librarians, and students by listing technology in creating an interactive learning environment. The workshop serves to assist global stakeholders in teaching across the globe. The applications are tools for teachers and students to share knowledge synchronously or asynchronously lessons. As a result of the workshop, it is the presenter encourage administrators and teachers to share applications with their colleagues to increase the awareness.
Websites/URLs Associated with Your Session: