Your Name and Title: IFTIKHAR HUSAIN; Math Teacher and Technology Coordinator

School or Organization Name: University High School, Newark New Jersey, USA

 Co-Presenter Name(s): None

 Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New Jersey, USA

 Language in Which You Will Present: English

 Target Audience(s): Grade 7-14 Students, Mathematics Teachers, Mathematics Supervisors

 Short Session Description (one line):

Teaching & Learning Math with Visual Approach; amusing the participants

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

 Mathematics becomes interesting and meaningful if its concepts are delivered in easiest possible way, one such approach is the visual Math.

Visual learning is a basic catalyst to understanding and memory. Without them, the brain must work harder to understand concepts and skills. Consequently the reluctant learns will have a tendency to reject the learning process. Visual learning, which provides connections, is used before the symbolic representation to help such learners to proceed with the learning process.

The presenter, using the Geometer's Sketchpad, will solve couple math questions and discuss related concepts visually. The mathematics knowledge is deeper with visual approach and will amuse the participants. The topics discussed in this presentation are Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Trigonometry, Pre-calculus, Calculus, and more. No experience with the Geometer's Sketchpad is required. New and experienced teachers will learn new approaches with animation to the familiar topics that will help your students applying them with easy.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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  • Co-Chair

    Yes, we use generic responses as we have had over 300 proposals to go through in a very short period of time. Your proposal did not fit our themes, and thus we used a generic explanation to alert you to this. IIf you read the materials that have been posted about the conference (see the call for proposals, strands and submissions and our mission statement), we are not a general education conference.

    Perhaps your proposal would be a better fit for Steve Hargadon's next conference on Learning 2.0. This will be better suited to general education topic such as math, language arts etc. I expect that Steve will announce this soon. 




  • Co-Chair

    The deadline for submitting your revisions to this proposal is November 7, 2011 at 5 PM CST or 23:00 UTC. We will not accept revisions after this time. Thanks for your ideas and we hope you'll consider applying next year. 

    • Good Morning

      The suggested revision was not a through consideration; it was a generic response to my proposal. I am a real math educator and have submitted a presentation which has been appreciated by many participants earlier. In my presentation I will be discussing the real math question with visual approach. I do not have any additional information to revise. Thanks for inviting me for the next year conference.


  • Thanks for your submission to present at the 2011 Global Education Conference. Your proposal looks promising, but could benefit from some additional language that ties your work to the conference theme of global collaboration. Your proposed session may imply global collaborations and connections, but we need to see more explanation of how your work ties into our mission.  The conference seeks to present ideas, examples and initiatives related to connecting educators and classrooms around the world with an emphasis on promoting global awareness and instilling global competency in students. This is not a general education conference nor a technology conference. Please review your submission and adjust accordingly, so that participants clearly understand how your work fits into the mission of the conference.
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