School or Organization Name: Channel One News
Co-Presenter Name(s): N/A
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New York, NY, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Teachers, Principals, Superintendents, Media Specialists, Curriculum Specialists, Literacy Coaches, Asst Superintendents, Educators
Short Session Description (one line):
This session is about using the news to support teens in becoming digitally literate, ethical, critical consumers of news and media.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
By now, educators and parents know the importance of teaching media literacy, which includes having kids and teens understand their rights and responsibilities as digital citizens and sort fact from fiction. But with limited technology resources, how can educators integrate teaching media literacy into their everyday lessons?
This session is about using the news to support teens in becoming digitally literate, ethical, critical consumers of news and media. In this session, we’ll show how bringing students into contact with news media, on a daily basis, can help them separate fact from fiction, form opinions based on facts and evidence, hone their nonfiction comprehension skills, engage in dialogue about the issues that affect their lives, collaborate, and truly become global citizens of the world.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Hi Anne -
Is Channel one for profit?
Hi Lucy,
Yes, Channel One News is a for profit organization with a mission focused on encouraging young people to be informed, digital-savvy global citizens. We're a Peabody and Telly award-winning program broadcast to nearly 5 million students across the country. Our daily broadcast and supplementary educational materials are aligned to Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and designed to help students, teachers and parents interpret the news and spark important conversations.
Let us know if you have any additional questions.
Thanks, Alexandra. For profits must be sponsors of the conference in order to present. Please email my co-chair if you'd like more information:
Thanks, Lucy. We're unfortunately going to need to pass this year then, but look forward to following the conference and hope to participate in the future!