Tech Savvy Schools in London (UK)

Hi I will be in London on the 2nd of April and would really like to visit a learning resources centre or school media centre if possible.  I am hoping to see how other schools handle their digital resources, e-books, kindles  as well as share some ideas on collaborative projects and ICT  teaching and learning at each of our schools. From what I can tell many  schools will be closed for Easter but I have heard that some may actually be open. If you work at such a school or know of one in the London area could you please reply to this discussion?

Thanks everyone,


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  •     Hi Jennifer,

        You may be still in London and do some research for your career.  As you're a teacher,too  and we live and work in different countries I would like to have a discussion about our curriculum and educational systems. It would be interesting for me to hear your London impressions also if you want to share, of course.  Please, get in touch with me if you have time for our discussion. It's important for me. 

       Thanks in advance.



  • Co-Chair

    Jennifer -

    You might want to do a search on our Member page for UK schools and more specifically for those located in London. Then, send members that look like they might be a good fit a message to see if they would welcome a visit.

    Lucy Gray

    • Thanks Lucy, that's what I'll do.
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