Your Name and Title: Anne Mirtschin, ICT Teacher, Web Conference Coach, moderator of the webinar Tech Talk Tuesdays

School or Organization Name: Hawkesdale P12 College; Digital Learning DEECD

Co-Presenter Name(s): the participants in this webinar

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Australiaq

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): all who are interested in global education

Short Session Description (one line): This webinar will be an unconference style discussion amongst the participants on a number of topics relating to global education.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

This will be an unwebinar calling on participation from those who attend. The following questions will be virtually discussed using the chat, polls and the interactive whiteboard/

  1. Why is global education important?
  2. How can we learn about the world?
  3. How has technology had an impact on global education and connectedness?
  4. Which are the best tools for connecting, collaborating and communicating globally?
  5. Share some success stories?
  6. Nominate some global projects to get involved in.
  7. What are the challenges and how do we overcome them?
  8. Compile a list of online places to find people to connect with

Please bring an image that shares your culture or where you are from and any resources that you have found to be useful.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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