Your Name and Title: Dana Bar-or, Hebrew Department Head

School or Organization Name: Kehillah Schechter Academy

Co-Presenter Name(s): Teresa Cordova

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Boston, MA

Language in Which You Will Present: English (examples will be given in Spanish and Hebrew)

Target Audience(s): Second Language Teachers

Short Session Description (one line): 

21st Century Collaborative Language Learning

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

n a rapidly shrinking world, how can we introduce our students to global awareness through projects in cross-global collaboration in language learning? Tools could include Google Hangouts, Skype, Blogger, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, and Twitter.  How can we as educators utilize interactions with students around the globe to engage our students in global issues and different perspectives? How can we as educators use these opportunities to encourage students to be global thinkers and citizens?  This hands-on lecture will provide some real-life examples and opportunities to experiment. 

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  • Co-Chair

    Please edit your proposal and make sure that it ties to the mission of this conference: Our focus is global collaboration, not on technology itself.


    Lucy Gray

    Conference Co-Chair 

      • Hi  lucy

      • we edited our proposal and would like to get your feedback . 

      Thank you so much , 


      • Co-Chair


        Can you edit your title so that it reflects the content of your presentation and our mission? I don't want people to get the impression that the conference is focused on tech.



        • Done . 

          Thank you again , 


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