Your Name and Title: Dr. Ken Halla

School or Organization Name: Hayfield Secondary, Fairfax County, VA

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Alexandria, VA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Teachers who are interested in using more technology in their classroom.

Short Session Description (one line): Tech Tips for the Classroom: How to use items such as Google Docs, Diigo, igoogle.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):  In one hour we will move you to the cloud by learning to save your websites on Diigo, follow your blog in igoogle and share your assignments and even have your students turn them in with Google Docs.  One will learn how to collaborate with other educators around the world in real time using Google Docs.  With the aggregators, Diigo and igoogle, I will show people how to build an efficient system to quickly follow other teachers from both near and far to add new ideas to their classroom teaching.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:http, ://, htthttp://worldhistoryeducatorsblog.blogspot.com

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  • Co-Chair
    Thanks for your submission to present at the 2011 Global Education Conference. Your proposal looks promising, but could benefit from some additional language that ties your work to the conference theme of global collaboration. The conference seeks to present ideas, examples and initiatives related to connecting educators and classrooms around the world with an emphasis on promoting global awareness and instilling global competency in students. This is not a general education conference nor a technology conference. Please review your submission and adjust accordingly, so that participants clearly understand how your work fits into the mission of the conference.
  • Co-Chair

    Please add language to your proposal that indicates how these tools will be used in globally connecting educational activities. Technology is an underlying theme of the conference, but our focus is on global collaboration. 



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