Name and Title:  Larry Specht, Senior Associate, International Affairs Department

Organization: American Federation of Teachers

Co-Presenter: Heidi Glidden, Manager Educational Issues Department


Location of Presenter: Washington, DC

Presentation Language: English

Target Audience: Educators, Academics, Education Policy Makers

Short Session Description: Test Data – Do we know what we have?


Full Session Description:

This presentation will show how teachers can collect and use data to help them supplement or compensate for missing, late or disconnected data provided by the state/district.  It will also outline the role of classroom assessments in improving schools, informing instruction, and advancing learning individually and collaboratively.


Websites / URLs Associated with the Session:


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  • Co-Chair

    Please edit your proposal and use the required tags that are described in the call for proposals.

    Your session will not appear in the proper place in our conference strands if directions are not followed. Thanks!

    Lucy Gray Conference Co-Chair 

    • Co-Chair

      I'm also not clear on how this proposal ties to the mission of our conference or to the strand Education For All.... if you can add language that makes the connections more clear, we would appreciate it.

      • Hi Lucy,

        You asked for more information on our proposed webinar, Test Data – Do we know what we have?  You said that it did not seem to relate to the strand Education for All.  I hope you will re-consider. Phrases like “Create a culture of data use” and “Use data to inform instruction” are commonplace in education today, but unless state and district  results are being used appropriately, dependence on this data can lead to bad decisions on instructional techniques.  Educators need to understand the uses and misuses of test data as well as the importance of teacher-developed assessments in providing quality instruction.

        Should I add this in the proposal?




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