This discussion will be centered around the topic of Musical Training and it's effect upon the human brain.
According to the study completed by The Neuroscience And Music III and Plasticity they discovered that just, because a student is exposed to classical music does not necessarily indicate , that the student's brain will be altered by being in the same environment. However, it was discovered by this Institute, that the brain was only altered when the individual was instructed in some form of musical training and,or lessons. Join us for this Balancing discussion.
If you would like to me to review your proposal again, please make revisions by November 17th 9 PM Central (GMT-6). Then, email me at to let me know your proposal is ready for another look.
Hi Sherrill -
Please review our call for proposals and our mission. In order to be accepted, you need to use the required format, and the presentation must relate to the mission.
Lucy Gray