Please pass this on to any interested groups. We are particularly keen on involving NGOs and other non-profit groups involved with social justice and change efforts. We also would like to spread the word beyond the United States. Feel free to email me directly ( with the names of any groups that we should contact.

The Global Education Conference is a free, online and completely virtual conference scheduled to take place November 15- 19, 2010. Participants, presenters, and partners sought. Full details are available here on the conference web site.

This is a free initiative, co-chaired by myself and Steve Hargadon, founder of Classroom 2.0 ( The focus is on global collaboration and bringing interested parties together to explore best practices in helping students and educators develop global competencies. I thought that members of this group would likely be interested in sharing their work with others around the globe. Please explore the following conference web site link and let me know if you have any questions. 

To sign up for our mailing list, click here.
To submit a proposal, click here.
To suggest keynote speakers, click here.
To network with other conference participants, click here and to see the networking directory click here
To sign up for our online community, click here


Lucy Gray
The Global Education Collaborative


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