Your Name and Title: Katie Williams, M.Ed., Middle School Design Tech Teacher

School or Organization Name: International School of Amsterdam

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Middle School to High School 

Short Session Description (one line): Easy tools & tips to support your students' "design thinking" to empower them to solve real-world problems. 

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): I'll go over resources you can use inside the classroom, as well as supplementary resources kids can explore at home. We'll look at ways to create a "maker mindset" in a variety of classrooms so that students feel empowered to tackle real-world, global issues.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: I'm on Twitter @fiberopticnow (and later I'll post a Google Presentation for this talk)


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  • Co-Chair

    Hi Katie -

    This sounds like a great proposal, but keep in mind that the Global Education Conference is not an event solely focused on tech. Please review our mission: and perhaps add language to your proposal that ties to this. When you have edited your proposal, let me know and I'll review it again.


    Lucy Gray

    Conference Co-Chair

    • Hi Lucy,

      Thank you so much for that clarification, and feedback. I've edited my proposal, and look forward to hearing your thoughts.

      Katie WIlliams

      • Co-Chair

        Well, I was hoping for a little more elaboration, but this works! Great to have you involved... I'm working with an international school in Manhattan and many folks there seem to think very highly of your school! 

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