Your Name and Title: Paul Loranger International educational consultant

School or Organization Name:

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Canada

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): student, teacher, curriculum

Short Session Description (one line):

Explores the changes that will occur if we add global education to student inquiries about the world around them.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

We as teachers have long ago agreed that we simply cannot teach all that one can learn in preparing the child for life. It is because of this that we have encourage children to do their own inquiries which if not encourage by global education, rarely are further studied.

This presentation examines what would happen if we did as we progress through the grade levels in the study of the present, past, future, cultural differences and expected craftsmanship of our graduates in working within a global village.

It gives in the end New lesson plans which students will need to complete if they expect to be ready to face the 21st century. It reinforces what the assistant Dean said to me as I was about to complete my Master degree in education when I asked "How much work will have to do to complete it?" and he answered "That will depend on how work you are willing to do to become a master of your subject". 

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:



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