Your Name and Title: Javier Collado Ruano

School, Library, or Organization Name: Global Education Magazine

Co-Presenter Name(s): Dante Augusto Galeffi

Country from Which You Will Present: Brazil

Language in Which You Will Present: Spanish, Portuguese, English

Target Audience (such as primary school teachers, high school administrators, students, etc.): all educational agents on formal and non-formal education

Short Session Description (one line): How empower our world-society to achieve the Millennium Development Goals?

Full Session Description (one paragraph minimum): In this conference we will talk about the importance to raise awareness within all the students-citizenship with Global Education methologies, in order to achieve meaningful learning and a phenomenological awareness of citizenship to achieve compliance with the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations for 2015 and 2025.

In this way, we approach the teaching-learning process from the adjacent dialectic in the multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary issues that Global Education enables us to build and diffusion of the knowledge, in service of full human development. From the observation of cognitive conflicts between different actors is possible to design pedagogical alternatives for meaningful and pragmatic learning about the various problems of the globalized world of the XXI century.

Therefore, a meaningful learning that has the existentialism and the theoretical-epistemological fundamentals of the socio-constructivism and the complexity theory to make a change in the educational process of developing societies and peoples.

Because Global Education, in an effort to get a free, fair and equal society, enables the common-responsibility mobilization to overcome the state of poverty and ideological sumission of peoples and nations of the planet in the process of development, something of direct interest to all Latin Americans.

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  • You will be very welcome also to join the worldwide online community of the Steve Sinnott Foundation at and as a community member make contact with Millennium Development Goal community based education projects around the world.

    • thank you very much for your reply Mr. Graham Clayton. I am reading it now and it looks very interesting! ;) would you like to share more info about your job for our readers of GEM?

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