Your Name and Title:
Leena Hannula, Head of Education
School or Organization Name:
The Finnish National Gallery, Sinebrychoff Art Museum
Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
Finnish Senior Citizens, Adult Education in Finland, Europe
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): 2014Teachers
Short Session Description (one line): Baby boom generation changes the museum world
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
As the Head of Education Leena Hannula wants to tell how the Finnish National Gallery and especially Sinebrychoff Art Museum deals with international art and Finnish senior citizens. Actually the audience that belongs to Baby boom generation has changed the museum practices a lot. Sinebrychoff Art Museum has welcomed all ages to spend their time at the museum. The workshop for senior citizens made by the Head of Education Leena Hannula has created an exciting world of Art History, present life and memories which are connected in various ways to museum activities. The workshop of Senior Citizens are connecting people when they meet both in spring and autumn terms at the museum. People are not only talking about arts but also creating new ways of working Hands on. The senior club called Siff 60+ has continued over 10 years – why? What is the charm, why do people stay at the museum’s workshop so long…? Why will people want to come back again and again…?
Leena Hannula is doing her Doctoral thesis about museum audience. She works also with small children and there are regular curriculums for 4-, 5- and 6-year old children. Senior citizens are grand parents and with all activities we want to create bridges over generations. In the presentation you can find schoolprojects with senior people, senior people enjoying their beauty, creatice senior citizens. Age is nothing else than numbers - we all can find our inner childhood and sense of humour in all ages. Leena Hannula wants to encourage to try senior clubs. You can find out how Sinebrychoff Art Museum has been charmed by senior work and how they have been collaborating with American Museum of Natural History from New York. Ladies Night at the Museum.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Dear Lucy,
I've done the changes. I hope it will be more precise, now.
Kindly, Leena
Leena -
Edits were due over the weekend as the conference started today. I will accept this, but please keep in mind our deadlines next year. Please also note that our schedule is pretty full now, so you may experience a bit of difficulty finding an ideal time to present.
Thank you, Lucy and sorry - I really misunderstood the date. I shall do my best next year. I hope my dissertation will be ready, too:)
With kind regards Leena
Dear Lucy,
Sorry, to bother you again.My presentation will be tomorrow at 9 am. Finnish time. When can I download the slides? Will there be the session link in the morning because now I can't invite anybody because I can't find the link? I have also tried to join the key note sessions but could not see other names...I have got in the rooms, anyhow.
Kindly, Leena
Please follow the directions I sent you and join the presenters' group. There is a presenters' checklist there and you need to read that. The links are provided there as well.
Can you add elaborate further in your proposal on how your work relates to the mission of the conference? We'd like to see specific language on how this impacts global education.
Lucy Gray
Dear Lucy,
I've done changes after your request. I hope it is OK?