Your Name and Title: Anne Mirtschin, ICT and Commerce Teacher, Web Conference Coach

School or Organization Name: Hawkesdale P12 College; Digital Learning DEECD

Co-Presenter Name(s): Year 7 ICT class - Sophie, Lucy, Dharma, Lisa, Vesna, Ice, Brooke, Terri, Mya, Skyla, Tayla

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Australia

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s):

Short Session Description (one line): Year 7 ICT girls wil share some of the amazing global connections they have made, tools they have used for collaboration and connection, the learning outcomes and stories from their classroom.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Year 7 ICT students from Hawkesdale P12 College love to connect with others across the world. In this session students will share some of their favourite connections, why they enjoyed them and the learning that took place. They will discuss some of the tools they have used eg skype, polycom videoconferencing, google documents, padlet etc,the learning that occured and why they just keep asking for more.

Australia’s time zone means that connections with countries who speak English as a first language can be very difficult. Asian schools are ideal partners for synchronous connections, but language, accents and cultures can then be an interesting challenge as English may be spoken but it could be the second, third or even fourth language of the students we connect with.  Students will share how we overcome some of these challenge and share many classroom stories.

Please join us.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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